Cooler weather pushes us many inside and snuggling in for some much-needed downtime.
For a book lover, this is Nirvana because all we need is a great place to hang out, a warm blanket and a solid read.
We are an easy bunch to please and here are my suggestions for the lover of stories on your list.
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From Uncommon Goods
Let’s start with something fun. Book Lovers Mug from Uncommon Goods grabbed my attention last week.
The mug has a unique feature and can hold a nicever you’re drinking amount of whate. Every day, you can scan the QR code hidden in the books for a new quote of the day. These quotes come from works of literature and from some of the in-house Uncommon Goods staff.
For anyone wanting to impress the literary lover on your list, (how’s that for alliteration) check out the Literary Lovers Clock
Every minute of the day transforms into literary quotes drawn from more than 13,000 classics over the past six centuries which means, they will have new quotes 1440 minutes a day.
That means 1440 ways you say, I love you.

Giving them a laugh through comedy classics
Movies rank right along with books in my life, but the best thing is when I get to read a book about a movie.
If you’ve watched any film more than a few (dozen) times, understanding what it took to get that project on screen is as cool and funny as the movie itself.
WHo knows, you might even empower yourself with knowledge for the coming new year.
We Don’t Need Roads: The Making to Back to the Future Trilogy
A Christmas Story: Behind the Scenes of a Holiday Classic
Black Panther: Protectors of Wakanda Dora Milaje
And if you want to show off your movie knowledge, check out Blockbuster Video, the game, where you can compete against others and show that you really do know that actor that was in that movie.
Plus, it has a buzzer!
You don’t even have to be kind and rewind to play it.
(If you don’t know what that means, ask someone older than thirty.)
The holidays is also a time of year where we can see some great movies. If you’re not familiar with the 6888 Battalion from World War II, let me give you a quick run down.
America is deep in World War II, morale is slipping with the troops. Guys didn’t think they’d be gone years from their loved ones. The end result of this battle could go either way.
The military realizes that to motivate their soldiers, they need to hear from home, which means they need letters from loved ones. Problem is, there’s an entire warehouse of letters sitting in England and no one to sort much less deliver these messages. If something doesn’t happen quick, people will lose hope.
There are a lot of women of color who want to serve, but with segregation being the law of the land, the military isn’t excited about bringing in anyone non-white, much less women. Enter the idea of having a multi-ethnic women’s battalion to fix the mail issues.
And what these women did to contribute to winning the war is no less than extraordinary.
If you’re interested to read more about them, check out Sisters in Arms, No Better Time, The Courageous Six Triple Eight, and Women of the Post, but also check out the Tyler Perry movie coming out December 20th to learn more about these amazing women.

History and high scores
If you have someone in your life that is a sports enthusiast, there are multiple books about the game, the players, and some of the most exciting events ever played.
I’ve got baseball, soccer (football), football, rugby, and more.
Banana Ball
28+ of the World’s Greatest Football Players

Pages for young adult readers to escape into
For those amazing young adult readers or those who simply love the genre, I’ve got Scify, fantasy, an anthology, and a bit of romance so check out:
The Tinder Box Series (by actor Lou Diamond Phillips)
The holidays wouldn’t be the same without a bit a romance. Whether you love sweet, spicy, romantasy, or second chance romance, I’ve got you covered.

Love a great romance
The Games Gods Play and The Things Gods Break (coming in 2025)
The Love Elixir of Augusta Stern
Escape to the Swiss Chalet and Escape to the Tuscan Vineyard
Are there any great reads you suggest? Throw them in the comments so we can all get a chance to read them and as always keep reading and keep learning.