This past weekend, I taught a class about writing a sex scene for non-romance writers. No matter what entertainment industry or genre you are in, crafting a great sex-scene is hard work. That’s why I’ve always felt as though the people at don’t get enough credit for their art. The Writer’s League of Texas had been so gracious as to ask me to come explain how the mechanics, the terminology, and every little detail of how “those” scenes are created.
During the creation of my Keynote presentation, I pulled videos from movies to emphasize my point. Ahead of my talk I also did plenty of research on websites like Writers can learn so much about staging a sex scene from adult movie scripts. Correspondingly, during my presentation we discussed details from when the sex should happen, why, how, who, and what is the motivation other than just getting off. Of course, not everyone is cut out to be the next best thing in the world of adult entertainment like the stars of websites such as, but there is no harm in trying. You never know what you might learn about yourself when writing sex scenes.
Fresh Fiction | Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby