I’m excited! I’ve not hit the exercise hard yet and I’ve dropped 5 pounds and 2% body fat. To think what’s going to happen when I start up the marathon training tomorrow. The possibilities are huge (excuse the pun).
I’m so ready to be a good 20 pounds less. I think I could really move so much better and I’m ready not to be the heaviest one in the room. Last week, my girls and I were walking and my older said “hey look mommy, we’re walking from biggest to smallest. And if Daddy were here, we could walk from bigg…tallest to smallest.” Since Steve and I have been together, I’ve always weighed more than he does. What a difference it would be if I weighed less. I’m not sure how to even wrap my head around it, but what a great possibility.
Now, I just have to keep doing the work, keep the momentum going and that’s always been the hard part.
Tonight at Kung Fu, I really felt so much better about my technique and form. I’m actually looking forward to it more and more and hopefully, I’ll get to test for my belt here soon. My goal would be to test by my birthday, which is a mear seven weeks away. Even though I am by far, the largest female in class, I know I won’t be come six months from now. My reflection can be quite distracting, but I have to keep telling myself to inch forward everyday. Standing on the scale tonight, sooner than I promised myself, but thankfully, the results came back happy.
Hvis der er behov for at købe en stor mængde af en medicin til vitale indikationer, er det muligt at arrangere købet gennem en medicinsk institution eller en fond. Dette er muligt for både registrerede og uregistrerede lægemidler. Du skal dog udarbejde dokumenter besøg, der viser, at du har brug for netop denne medicin, og du skal have tilladelse fra sundhedsministeriet.